For my Graphic Design Master Degree, in ELISAVA, we were challenged to create an educational institution that would be disruptive and innovative.
The Future Express is a traveling school based on future studies. It specializes in four different categories: Cities, Social, Health, and Arts. Each of them is located on a different train that will take our students on a unique journey all around the world, for 6 months. Traveling is an experience, and people learn from experiencing. How can this be applied in an era where we all live in the present but are constantly thinking about the future? We aim to bring innovative ideas together which hopefully will lead to a better future for everyone.
Our system and whole graphic image are inspired by the effect and pattern that the train leaves behind when traveling in fast motion. We've recreated that pattern with lines and applied it to our logotype which always stays the same, even though the pattern inside it may move. Creating this dynamic identity that, just like our school, is always traveling.
This pattern can as well be applied to various pieces of merchandising and advertisements. We joined this graphic element with our strategy: questioning.
Finally, we also created two side projects for the school: a packaging project — flags and an acceptance box — and an editorial project — a literary magazine that contains futuristic fictional stories.
This project was developed together with my colleague, Alexandra Salerno.