This project is part of The Future Express project, which you can find more about here. It was developed during my master's degree in ELISAVA for the subject of Packaging.
The Future Express is a traveling school based on future studies. The school specializes in four different categories: Cities, Social, Arts, and Health. Each of them is located on a different train that will take our students on a unique journey all around the world, for a period of six months.
Once a student is accepted to The Future Express, he will receive an acceptance package at his house, which contains: his acceptance letter, a student's band (a technological bracelet that helps to communicate, live and study inside of the school's train), and the flag of the category he was accepted to.
We've created a flag for each category. The flags serve as the package for the acceptance box but can later be used however the students want. For example, as a tapestry by their bed or they can even wear them, as a scarf or a flag. These objects symbolize the unity and teamwork that the students will encounter once they enter the school.